The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN) has four (4) Departments and one (1) Entity. These Department are under the structure of ELCIN Church Council, Presiding Bishop and General Secretary.

Department of Finance, Administration & HR (DFAHR)

The department is responsible for general finance & administration in ELCIN, and direct staff that manage diverse funds such as ELCIN Main Funds, and registering ELCIN members.

It monitors church funds that enables the church to accomplish its vision and mission.

It encourages stewardship program in the church to sustain church ministries.

The department has a responsibility for salaries of workers, tax and social security.

It has also a general responsibility for coordinating travel, receiving international and/or National, constitution and legal issues, human resource, labour relationship, employment equity, etc.

 Department of Mission, Diaconal and Social Services (DMDSS)

This department is for the social ministry of the church.

This department assists and facilitates in planning programs for Mission and Evangelism.

It has a responsibility to cooperate with mission agencies partners nationally and internationally.

This department helps the church to witness  the gospel of Jesus Christ through counselling, pastoral care, serving the needy, the poor and vulnerable people.

The social responsibility of the church also addresses hunger, refugees, disasters, conflicts, injustice and social behaviour, etc. It coordinates programs in Diaconal, Health care, rehabilitation, HIV/ AIDS etc.

This Department works closely with government line ministries, NGO and community groups. It assists institution, parishes and community social projects.


 Department of Education and Information & Congregational Ministry (DEICM)

This Department is responsible for the general wellbeing of the Theological and general education institutions such as the Seminary, training centres, high schools and pre-schools.

It helps  the church to prepare people to get quality education for leadership and for better future.

It offers scholarships especially to church workers to undertake further studies. It helps the Church Council in preparation of pastoral candidates and Diaconal training.

The department informs church members about the activities of the Church through its Omukwetu Newspaper[i] and leaflets.

It also provides church educational and social information its libraries, archive  museum, church address book, statistics, roster for the church workers and parishes, five year plans, research and evaluation.

This department is also responsible for producing resource material related to liturgy, music, confirmation class, Sunday School, Bible Studies, men’s league, prayer groups, congregational and youth & student ministries as well as  Ondjalulamasiku and Ohapu yesiku (Annual Calendar and Daily Scripture).

The translation of the Bible in collaboration with the Bible Society of Namibia also fall under this Department.

ELCIN Business Foundation (EBF)

This is not a department per se but separate entity within ELCIN delegated to supervise church business enterprises and provide investment opportunities. It  ensure quality planning, administration and management system in church Business enterprises.

EBF therefore, addresses the issues of business enterprises in the church by supervising and working together under a common umbrella.

This entity has responsibility to seek shares and maintains business partnership with other businesses such as financial institutions.